
Things that make me smile:

  • Glovens (mitten-gloves) completed, crocheted in multicoloured 100% wool – hands now warm and toasty.
  • Meeting my work deadline for a quarterly print run
  • Jam success – and several jars sent to new homes 🙂
  • Mid-winter gathering of family and friends – so much tasty food!
  • Toasting marshmallows over open fire using new toasting forks invented by Himself for the occasion. We have leftover marshmallows…
  • Email from Amazon informing me that books sales really happened:  “This royalty payment notification is for Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) sales recorded in the AU Kindle Store…”

2 thoughts on “Some smiles to round out the week

  1. I’m intrigued by the quarterly print run – what does it mean?

    • nikmacd on 29 June 2016 at 7:19 PM said:

      Some of my time is spent as Media Officer for a local community centre. One of the regular quarterly tasks is to put a newsletter together, ensure it’s adequately edited and proofread, and then get it to the printers on time. A number of volunteers are involved in this process, which is fabulous but can result in delays to the timeline. Not this time though 🙂

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